NABA takes part to Fuorisalone Digital as a Cultural Partner presenting a selection of the best Design projects developed by students within the Design Area curated by Claudio Larcher, Design Area Leader.
Starting from the question, “What does studying design mean today?” the projects presented at Fuorisalone Digital focus on the different aspects of product design, keeping in mind the importance of  technology and research on the many possible uses of materials.
FABER, a final project by the NABA student Luca Magistrali, conceived under the guidance of Dante Donegani, NABA Design Advisor, is a manifesto of the link between craftsmanship and design, a simple set of tools (hammer and screwdriver) designed to deliver into homes, the universal tale of “handmade”. 
Nida Cin and Gulcan Selcuk, NABA MA in Product Design students, under the guidance of the lecturer Terri Pecora, developed LILY MIX AND MATCH COLLECTION, a bathroom design project inspired by vintage aesthetics including a sink, tap and base that allows a complete customisation.
Lastly, two more final projects conceived by the students of the BA in Design, under the supervision of Claudio Larcher, are presented. 
SEI UNO by Andrea Cappelli is a collection of modular and customisable objects that comprises 61 3D printed elements to help children with autism, or with manual disabilities, learning to perform simple gestures of everyday life independently. DOTS by Chiara Torterolo and Luca Vernieri originates from the idea to reinterpret the iconic studded surface flooring designed by Franco Albini and Franca Helg in 1962 for Milan's underground. The output of the project is a collection of furnishing accessories, comprising three small tables, three containers and a console, to offer a different perspective on this material’s usage parameters, rethinking its dynamics and context. 
NABA also takes part to Fuorisalone TV, the video streaming portal that give access to every aspect of design and project culture.
The on demand content presented by the Academy include FILOTEA by Elena Tamburini, a video storytelling about the collection that comprehends four domestic objects and the dynamics of affectivity in elderly individuals, and AGO a technological and connected fly fishing kit based on the idea to innovate the design of the fishing equipment to radically change the way this activity is conducted, that remained unchanged for centuries. AGO, the final project by students Edoardo Trombin and Giorgia Salamanca, was awarded with the Critics Award at the 23rd edition of Targa Bonetto.
Video content will be available on demand with free access for the next few months.

NABA以文化合作伙伴的身份参加了Fuorisole Digital,展现了一系列由学生设计的且由设计领域负责人Claudio Larcher策划的最佳设计项目。
从“如今学习设计意味着什么”这个问题开始? 在Fuorisalone Digital展现的项目关注产品设计的不同方面,同时考虑到技术的重要性以及对材料的许多可能用途的研究。
FABER是NABA学生Luca Magistrali在NABA设计顾问Dante Donegani的指导下构思的毕业设计项目,是一个关于工艺和设计之间联系的宣言,一套简单的工具(锤子和螺丝刀)被设计用来运送到家中,这是“手工制作”的普遍故事。
Nida Cin和Gulcan Selcuk,NABA产品设计专业的研究生,在讲师Terri Pecora的指导下,开发了LILY MIX and MATCH COLLECTION,这是一个受古典美学启发的浴室设计项目,包括水槽、水龙头和底座,允许完全定制。
最后,在Claudio Larcher的指导下,设计本科课程学生构思了另外两个毕业设计项目。
Andrea Cappelli的SEI UNO是一个模块化和可定制的物体,包含了61个3D打印元素,帮助自闭症儿童或手动残疾儿童学习独立执行日常生活中的简单手势。Chiara Torterolo和Luca Vernieri的DOTS源于重新诠释Franco Albini和Franca Helg于1962年为米兰地铁设计的标志性镶嵌地面地板的想法。该项目的成果是一个家具配件的集合,包括三个小桌子,三个容器和一个控制台,以提供一个不同的角度对这种材料的使用参数,重新思考其动态和背景。
NABA还参与了Fuorisalone TV,这是一个视频直播平台,可以从各个方面了解到设计和项目文化。
该学院提供的点播内容包括Elena Tamburini的FILOTEA,一个关于收集四个家庭物品和老年人情感动态的视频故事。学生Edoardo Trombin和Giorgia Salamanca的毕业设计项目AGO,一个基于创新捕鱼设备设计理念的飞钓工具彻底改变这项活动一直以来的进行方式,并且在第23届Targa Bonetto大会上获奖。在接下来的几个月里,视频内容还将免费提供。


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