

NABA takes part to live talk series, the digital edition of one of the most important Italian newspapers, Corriere della Sera, in a virtual interview about Education and Work, focusing on the changes and challenges the academic world is facing in the aftermath of the Coronavirus emergency.
Monday June 29th at 4 pm Donato Medici, NABA Managing Director, will talk through the main themes of Education and Work within the context of the restart of in presence Academy’s didactics, along with Flavio Farroni, entrepreneur in the innovation sector, Co-Founder & CEO Megaride, and Paolo Ferri, didactics and technology expert, author of the publication “Nativi Digitali”.
The interview, moderated by Gianna Fregonara, Corriere della Sera editor, will focus on NABA and the strategies the Academy has chosen to meet the new needs imposed by this extraordinary situation, the innovations that await us starting from the new academic year and the initiatives activated remotely to maintain teaching continuity, always keeping in mind NABA students’ needs.
The live talk will be live streamed on homepage and on the newspapers’ Facebook page and Youtube channel, and will stay available on the dedicated section of CorriereTv and on its social media.


NABA参加了Corriere.it现场访谈系列,意大利最重要的数字化报纸之一Corriere della Sera,在这一次关于教育和工作的线上采访中,将聚焦于讲述在冠状病毒紧急事件后学术界面临的变化和挑战。
6月29日星期一下午4点,NABA总经理Donato Medici将与创新领域的企业家,Megaride的联合创始人兼首席执行家Flavio Farroni以及教学和技术专家,著有《Nativi Digitali》一书的Paolo Ferri,将在重新启动现场学院教学法的背景下,讨论教育和工作的主要主题。
采访由Corriere della Sera的编辑Gianna Fregonara主持,将聚焦于NABA和该学院为满足这种特殊情况所带来的新需求而选择的策略。从新学年开始采取的创新以及远程启动以保持教学可持续性的举措,始终牢记着NABA学生的需求。
可以在Corriere.it主页、Corriere della Sera的Facebook或者Youtube频道以及CorriereTv的专用栏目和社交媒体观看本现场直播。


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